At BORRELL® we have reacted to address the Coronavirus crisis in order to protect our employees, our customers and our community.
As suppliers to the food and agro-food industry, we have continued providing service to ensure that our customers can continue to supply the food chain, especially in these difficult times.
We keept active the production lines essential for our mission, always following the instructions and regulations of the authorities. This meant the reduction of shifts and the allocation of staff rotations in addition to the implementation of severe prevention and protection measures.
We continued to provide technical service, but attending only limited urgent emergencies.
From the first moment, we take preventive measures and prepare our IT and organizational infrastructure to avoid face-to-face work as much as possible and allowing teleworking for all our engineering and office departments.
We focused to make this situation of force majeure have the least impact on ongoing projects. Recent investments in new machine tools and manufacturing technologies together with recent staff expansions translate into greater potential production capacity that we hope to recover as soon as the situation allows.
At BORRELL® we want normality to be restored as soon as possible and we wish health for all and a speedy recovery for all those affected.
We deeply regret any personal loss and we stand in solidarity with all those affected and their loved ones.
Update: March 30, 2020
We continue working to guarantee essential supplies to the agro-food industry. We review and improve our protocols to minimize risks.
Update: April 6, 2020
We started the production of a respirator model based on the OxyGEN Project. You can follow the manufacturing process on our Twitter account:
Update: April 28, 2020
We carried out ELISA tests on all our workers and we acquired rapid tests as well to continue the prevention and diagnosis protocol, especially for the employees of our Technical Service.
Update May 4, 2020
We collaborated and supported the "Fundación Dénia" (Dénia Foundation) in raising funds to acquire a robot for PCR analysis destined for the Dénia Hospital.
Update: May 22, 2020
We agreed on the donation of the respirators to the Higher Polytechnic School of the University of Alicante that teaches the Degree in Biomedical Engineering.
Update May 26, 2020.
We present improvements to the systems for UV disinfection of air circuits in processes (dryers, chillers, vacuum cleaners) that we have been marketing since 2012. We also add solutions for the disinfection of water used in humidification, washing and similar processes.
Our manufacturing plant has already recovered 100% activity while we continue to apply strict hygiene and safety protocols. Our automation department has designed and installed new contactless presence control systems and temperature control systems with LWIR cameras, also available to our customers.